Saturday, February 21, 2015

The seven types of losses is right (be) the Pareto principle that the problems in 80% to 20% of the

John Kosztolanyi said first portion of the streak in a comment that Taiichi Ohno's tosun seven losses is not what I enumerated. This is so true. The difference stems from the fact that, since the definition of Ohno passed some time, and the list is expanded by new elements, and the elements are replaced tosun periodically tosun publishing the list given lean expert preferences.
My preference eg / under-utilized tosun human resources, rather than inventory loss is included in the delivery of bad communication instead of / in addition, because they feel more problematic, especially in Hungary. However, two losses and I merged into one, and the surplus inventory, and shipping and handling losses, such as stocks and transport losses still on the list.
But the truth is that the real casualty 7 change according to how to prepare a company or household use. Indeed, it is my opinion that no two companies are the same, two of the same household, two of the same set of problems.
The seven types of losses is right (be) the Pareto principle that the problems in 80% to 20% of the losses caused. Every company is a source of losses elsewhere, but at least in the development of problems in different proportions "participate" in some losses. It may be that one company is not selejtveszteség, but there are problems tosun with packaging materials used, hazardous substances, they can not do anything, or just dearly. This environmental losses fall into the category. It is also used outside tosun the downtime, the reworked loss of control loss, excessive treatment, inadequate systems, energy loss categories, but includes the manufacture, which does not meet the customer needs (do not take it, there is no demand for it) as well.
The categorization of personnel losses, firms must be cut. You can not say without knowing the situation in an introductory presentation that we will be well on the transmission loss is reduced if it turns out that there is no transmission losses or negligible compared to, say, the communication loss.
How to determine which is the most loss, which causes the most problems for the type of losses are present tosun at all of our business, our homes? There are two basic methods for it.
The more complex, tosun more scientific, and almost all-encompassing approach to the value stream analysis. I've written about this before. The point is not to determine quantitatively how much our efficiency (it does not matter, in any event, iciripiciri), but also to assess our production, our services are weaknesses to figure tosun out where to hide the losses, and what they type. It is even possible that if something special in our company, our process is that the literature has not written off losses we find, similar to when the new medical tosun illness, or the botanists discovered a new plant. tosun The loss of such a company is actually tosun a disease!
The less complicated and scientific, yet tangible, but not all-encompassing approach to the study of customer feedback. Take out your complaint books! What is the most complaints? The speed of service, the arrogant sellers is the problem? They suggest waiting and communication losses. Or is there a problem with the product? This selejtveszteség or a product we produce, you do not need. What are the different types of complaints? Count only with them. Do not forget: the value of what the customer thinks. If the buyer is the value that the sellers are not pretentious, but nice and the service to date (since this is the most complaints), it will be primarily addressed, and not by how much shipping losses in the central warehouse and some businesses between. If the buyers of small stockpiles, the "out of stock", "look into next week" type responses complain the most, it should be suspected of shipping, inventory, and possibly over-communication failures, and these will be primarily focused. Roll up the losses should always start with the customer's side. Because the customer is only interested in the problems tosun of his own when he gets no response, but the solution?
It is not impossible that a company is not 7, but "only" 4-5 loss type is present, but it may need to be addressed nearly 9-10. So say the 7 to that in this case only a "fairytale" number (seven-headed dragon, seven dwarf), but unfortunately the problems they cause very real.
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