Saturday, December 7, 2013

So, prof. Klyosov makes no mention of the Serbs in particular, and certainly not mentioned anywhere

Apsurdistan: Whose gene oldest, Serbian, Croatian or Bosnian? bombardier q400 -
Home Introduction Elaboration Conclusion Contact Diary Feeds Bacchanalia focus Globe Sunday in 5-9 Luc Citizen Science Sports Hagakure KolUMnična fight Keyword (s) Citizen Interview On-site collection of poetry more than a thousand words Photo Memory Stay awake! bombardier q400 8th December 2013th - 7:19
Scientifically proven Serbs oldest people from whose genes stimulate Croats, Bosnians and Aryans! bombardier q400 Anatoly Alekseyevich Kljosov, Harvadskog University biology professor, in his scientific work presented is the claim that the Serbian gene 12,000 years old and comes from ostrich bombardier q400 son.
As it usually happens, "news" spread the Croatian portals where it is accompanied by ridicule bombardier q400 and sarcasm as a kind of popular entertainment at the expense of neighbors who are annoyed with everyone claiming themselves to be "the oldest Serb people". Pot calling the kettle that has a large beak.
Spreading false information and arbitrarily kicking serious things angered by this research, the Russian geneticists, chemists and anthropologist Professor. Anatoly A. Kljosova, which is about the journalistic circus in the Balkan portals written in Russian portal;
His anger is justified, because in those interpretations of his research there are many mistakes and falsehoods. Another reason for his disapproval stems from earlier this year when he appeared in Serbia. Then in a TV show had to speak in English, and moreover with desperate translation so they understood only by those who speak English. How, then anything could be properly transferred to the public, and it is a very serious bombardier q400 scientific research!?
There long has arrived Slavic brotherhood! If you exert a little, we will understand at least half of the exposure in Russian, and, interestingly, the Russians understand us more. This is perhaps because the more they tried, and perhaps because our language is closer to the Slavic origins bombardier q400 of their own. It would be logical since they are taught in schools that their ancestors came from the Balkans. So, the opposite of what we teach smart.
Third, in all portals bombardier q400 participating in the circus was set wrong genetic maps. Instead of folders for a specific haplotype R1a1, they put the folder called. I2a dinar, which is, as we see in that folder, more European than dinar.
Fourth, the claim that the haplotype R1a1 in the Balkans, the oldest bombardier q400 is true, but that is 12,000 years old and not entirely accurate, because this haplotype with most mutations have only a few in Bosnia, Serbia, Kosovo and Macedonia. After all, this is a senior research five years ago, which are less accurate. Age haplotype R1a1 common ancestor of most of the people in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and its province of Kosovo and Metohija, Montenegro and Macedonia is 9-10000 years, bombardier q400 while in other countries, as well as in most parts of the Croatian, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece age of the common ancestor of R1a1 is around 4500 years.
Fifth, the claim that it was Serbian gene is not true. This is actually a universal Slavic gene which is the most in all Slavic countries. It is also the European bombardier q400 haplotype, because it is present in almost every European country, especially in Austria, Norway and Iceland, where a quarter of the population has a haplotype R1a1 (common ancestor before 4300-4500god), which means more than in Serbia, where it has only 15% . And as we can see, here referred bombardier q400 to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia and its province of Kosovo and Metohija and Macedonia about which little story here, though, and they are plenty loud on the same issues and the same provincial ills.
So, prof. Klyosov makes no mention of the Serbs in particular, and certainly not mentioned anywhere that Serbian genes derived bombardier q400 from ostrich son to be back working on inventing and specifying the foolish mythological water mill. The fact is that we have in Serbia oldest Neolithic sites (Lepenski Vir, Vince, Blagotin etc.), the continuity of living up to 10,000 years old and agriculture 8000 years so by the genetic links may be said that all nations descended from Serbia. However, it should be emphasized that in Dalmatia bombardier q400 there are also as old Neolithic bombardier q400 sites such as Danilo-Hvar culture, Cetina Poljicka Republic, where there are traces of human existence bombardier q400 to 10,000 years, and agriculture is also an old 8000 years in Pokrovnik near Sibenik. bombardier q400 Now someone could turn the water on the mill and claim to be the forerunner of all nations bombardier q400 Dalmatians because a gene we have the oldest in Europe, and then we descended from Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, and almost half of Europe, which has a common gene.
Someone could also make do crazy and publish genetic and archaeological bombardier q400 analysis of the people of Dalmatia, which does not involve other people in the Balkans. But why deal with falsehoods and demagoguery? Why subject to complex miserable dwarf that everyone bombardier q400 has to prove that the greatest? The temptation of all components

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